Thursday 9 June 2011


“Beauty is nothing without brains.”
This is abanned commercial by Mercedes,the reason why it was banned is because it is trying to stereotype blonde women.The blonde woman walks in to a library and tells the librarian, ” Hello I’d like to order a Burger, Fries and a Milkshake” Librarian says, “This is a Library”
The advert then shows here looking around, then figures its a library by lowering her voice but still asking for fries in a library.
I personally think this advert should have been banned as some people could get really offended, I feel a purpose of an advert is too be suitable and recommended to all races and ages.However this advert does not  show equality and degrades blonde people. Nerveless some people feel that the advert should not have been banned arguing that it was just amusing and clever.

This Oringina advert was banned in 2008,for having a very sexualised and provocative context mainly for children.The 60 second advert for the soft drink centres around a love story between a doe and a bear, with a finale of shots of Orangina bottles exploding between the thighs of zebras and squirting on to the breasts of other animals.The Naturally Juicy advert, created by a French ad agency, has attracted criticism from children's charities and equal rights groups. Claude Knights, director of children's charity Kidscape, said: "Orangina is a drink which is mainly aimed at children and young people, but this new advert places the product in a very sexualised and provocative context.
"The almost sinister portrayal of animals in an animation style filled with sexual innuendo leads to very mixed and confused messages."
She said the charity were worried that it was another example of using sexual images to sell products to children.
After the avert was released it recived 147 complaints to the advertising standards agency.

Saw 2 poster banned (2005)
This Saw 2 poster was banned in 2005 due to its disturbung image,this may have scared many children as it contains cut flesh.soon later a new poster was released which was flaged ok. 
New saw 2 poster which was advertised as it was flagged ok.
. The new poster is not much different it just doesnt show the stumps of the cut off fingers

Both posters feature twoo fingers however only one got banned, this is mainly because one features more blood and cut marks than the other.they are both very similar but this shows how adverts become acceptable.

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