Thursday 9 June 2011


“Beauty is nothing without brains.”
This is abanned commercial by Mercedes,the reason why it was banned is because it is trying to stereotype blonde women.The blonde woman walks in to a library and tells the librarian, ” Hello I’d like to order a Burger, Fries and a Milkshake” Librarian says, “This is a Library”
The advert then shows here looking around, then figures its a library by lowering her voice but still asking for fries in a library.
I personally think this advert should have been banned as some people could get really offended, I feel a purpose of an advert is too be suitable and recommended to all races and ages.However this advert does not  show equality and degrades blonde people. Nerveless some people feel that the advert should not have been banned arguing that it was just amusing and clever.

This Oringina advert was banned in 2008,for having a very sexualised and provocative context mainly for children.The 60 second advert for the soft drink centres around a love story between a doe and a bear, with a finale of shots of Orangina bottles exploding between the thighs of zebras and squirting on to the breasts of other animals.The Naturally Juicy advert, created by a French ad agency, has attracted criticism from children's charities and equal rights groups. Claude Knights, director of children's charity Kidscape, said: "Orangina is a drink which is mainly aimed at children and young people, but this new advert places the product in a very sexualised and provocative context.
"The almost sinister portrayal of animals in an animation style filled with sexual innuendo leads to very mixed and confused messages."
She said the charity were worried that it was another example of using sexual images to sell products to children.
After the avert was released it recived 147 complaints to the advertising standards agency.

Saw 2 poster banned (2005)
This Saw 2 poster was banned in 2005 due to its disturbung image,this may have scared many children as it contains cut flesh.soon later a new poster was released which was flaged ok. 
New saw 2 poster which was advertised as it was flagged ok.
. The new poster is not much different it just doesnt show the stumps of the cut off fingers

Both posters feature twoo fingers however only one got banned, this is mainly because one features more blood and cut marks than the other.they are both very similar but this shows how adverts become acceptable.

QUESTION- 'What impact have different world cultures had on Art and Design?'

Medieval Art
The medieval art of the Western world covers a vast scope of time and place, over 1000 years of art history in Europe, and at times the Middle East and North Africa. It includes major art movements and periods, national and regional art, genres, revivals, the artists crafts, and the artists themselves.

Major periods and styles during Medieval art: Byzantine and Romanesque art.

Byzantine art
Byzantine art is the term commonly used to describe the artistic products of the Byzantine Empire from about the 4th century until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.
Certain artistic traditions that originated in the Byzantine Empire, particularly in regard to icon painting and church architecture, are maintained in Greece,Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia and other Eastern Orthodox countries to the present day.

Just as the Byzantine empire represented the political continuation of the Roman Empire, Byzantine art developed out of theart of the Roman empire, which was itself profoundly influenced by ancient Greek art. Byzantine art never lost sight of this classical heritage. The Byzantine capital,Constantinople, was adorned with a large number of classical sculptures, although they eventually became an object of some puzzlement for its inhabitants

Example of Greek Orthodox visual hagiography,During the Byzantine period many religious Christianity art was produced.
Byzantine art is still used in many cultures at present day,Many Orthodox Christian churches still use Byzantine art 

This is a Byzantine image of virgin Mary with baby Jesus
I personally think Byzantine art has a specific look to it, every art is produced in the same style consistently 

This is a modern Greek church using Byzantine icons.This shows that Byzantine art still exists today.

St Mark's Basilica in Venice, where imported Byzantine mosaicists were succeeded by Italians they had trained.

The Empire faced acute crisis with the invasions of the AvarsSlavsPersians and Arabsin the 7th century. Constantinople was also wracked by religious and political conflicThe most significant surviving monumental projects of this period were undertaken outside of the imperial capital. The church of Hagios Demetrios in Thessaloniki was rebuilt after a fire in the mid-seventh century. The new sections include mosaics executed in a remarkably abstract style
Mosaic from the church of Hagios Demetrios inThessaloniki, late 7th or early 8th century, showing St. Demetrios with donors.

Romanesque art
Romanesque art refers to the art of Western Europe from approximately 1000 AD to the rise of the Gothic style in the 13th century, or later, depending on region. The preceding period is increasingly known as the Pre-Romanesque. 

Sculpture work
Precious objects in these media had a very high status in the period, probably much more so than paintings — we know the names of more makers of these than painters, illuminators or architect-masons. Metalwork, including decoration in enamel, became very sophisticated, and many spectacular shrines made to hold relics have survived, of which the best known is theShrine of the Three Kings at Cologne Cathedral by Nicholas of Verdun and others (ca 1180–1225). The Stavelot Triptych and Reliquary of St. Maurus are other examples of Mosan enamelwork.

Stavelot TriptychMosan, Belgium, c. 1156–58. 48×66 cm with wings open,Morgan Library, New York

The Stavelot Triptych and Reliquary of St. Maurus are  examples of Mosan enamelwork. Large reliquaries and altar frontals were built around a wooden frame, but smaller caskets were all metal and enamel.


The Three Magi from the St. Albans Psalter, English, 12th century.

Japanese art

History of Japanese art: Jomon art, Yayoi art, Kofun art, Asuka and Nara art, Heian art, Kamakura art, Muromachi art, Azuchi-Momoyama art, Edo period art, Pre war art, Post war art and Contemporary art. 

Jomon art, comes from the first settlers of japan called the Jomon people,they were known for there cord markings that decorated the surfaces of their clay vessels

Small figurine, Final Jomon period (ca. 1000–300B.C.)
Clay figurines (dogu) modeled in human and animal forms were made throughout the Jomon period, particularly during the latter half, and establish the beginnings of Japan's sculptural tradition.

Source:Small figurine [Japan] (1978.346) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Deep bowl with sculptural rim, late Middle Jomon period (ca. 2500–1500B.C.), ca. 1500B.C.
The swirling, dynamic appearance of the rim of this deep bowl is one of the most recognizable characteristics of wares made during Japan's oldest known civilization, the Jomon. Forming a dramatic contrast to the flamboyant ornamentation along the top is the relatively simple cord-marked lower portion of the vessel.

Source:Deep bowl with sculptural rim [Japan] (1992.252.1) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Contemporary art
The contemporary art in Japan is naturally influenced by the world contemporary art. But the power of the Japanese traditions, the oppressive presence of a dense urban environment and the various traumatism undergone by Japan for 60 years (defeat of 1945, Hiroshima, earthquakes, economic crisis, etc.) involve a production very rich, original and little known.

Japanese modern art takes as many forms and expresses as many different ideas as modern art in general, worldwide. It ranges from advertisements, anime, video games, and architecture as already mentioned, to sculpture, painting, and drawing in all their myriad forms

The earlest known Japanese animation dates to 1917 and made original Japanese cartoons were  produced in the ensuring decades,the characteristic anime style developed in the 1960s notably with the work of Osamu Tezuka and became known outside Japan in the 1980s.
Anime is also very popular in Japan with large audiences and recognition throughout the world.Anime is both hand-drawn and computer animated.

Personally anime is one of my favourite type of art,mainly because I find it interesting and unique. I'm also interested in anime because i occasionally watch anime programs

Kanagawa wave, I personally like this work as its a classic and i have also created the Hokusai wave using different materials for previous courses.I think the colours stand out 

Katsushika Hosika was a japanes artist , ukiyo-e painter and printmaker of the Edo period,hokusai is famous for his woodblock print series of Thirty six viws of mount fuji,this includes his most famous work The great wave of Kanagawa.

During the Asuka and Nara periods, so named because the seat of Japanese government was located in the Asuka Valley from 552 to 710 and in the city of Nara until 784, the first significant invasion by Asian continental culture took place in Japan.
The transmission of Buddhism provided the initial impetus for contacts between China, Korea and Japan.The earliest Japanese sculptures of the Buddha are dated to the 6th and 7th century. They ultimately derive from the 1st-3rd century CE Greco-Buddhist art of Gandhara, characterized by flowing dress patterns and realistic rendering
The earliest Buddhist structures still extant in Japan, and the oldest wooden buildings in the Far East are found at the Hōryū-ji to the southwest of Nara. First built in the early 7th century as the private temple of Crown Prince Shōtoku, it consists of 41 independent buildings.
Hōryū-ji are Japan's National Treasures. Hōryū-ji is a Buddhist temple in IkarugaNara prefecture, Japan. some wooden temples were worship places for key people in Buddhism,they are also considered as very important places

Graffiti Art
Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. In modern times, paint, particularly spray paint, and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials
One famous graffiti artist is Jean-Michel Basquait who was an American,his career in art began as a grafiti artist.Continuing his activities as a graffiti artist, Basquiat often incorporated words into his paintings. Before his career as a painter began, he produced punk-inspired postcards for sale on the street, and become known for the political–poetical graffiti under the name of SAMO.
"untitled (skull)," 1984 
Basquaits works looks very strange and weird,but will always have a meaning to it.Lots of his work has alot of detail and colour which adds great effect to his work.

Banksy is another famous graffiti artist born in England,known for his street art.

On 13 June 2009, the Banksy UK Summer show opened at Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, featuring more than 100 works of art, including animatronics and installations; it is his largest exhibition yet, featuring 78 new works.Reaction to the show was positive, with over 8,500 visitors to the show on the first weekend. Over the course of the twelve weeks, the exhibition was visited over 300,000 times 

 Queues outside Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery for Banksy's Summer Show, June 2009

Graffiti depicting graffiti removal by Banksy. Created in May 2008 at Leake Street in London, painted over by August 2008. Notice the animals resembling cave art from Lascaux or Altamira
I think the piece of art is just amazing the detail in his work is unbelievable,Banksys work also looks real life as it includes so much clear detail.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

QUESTION - 'What was the impact of the second world war and subsequent social and political change on art, craft and design?'

1. What was going on in peoples lives at this time?

During the world war 2 life changed for everybody, this also included children.For most children, the war years were a time of anxiety.For many people it was a period of family separation.It was also a time of profound personal loses for some people.Many children had to grow up quickly during the world war.this meant that children had to look after themselves and younger siblings while their mothers worked.
Nearly two million children were evacuated from their homes at the beginning of world war 2.They were evacuated to the countryside to escape the bombing.
Many children and their parents living in countries which had been invaded by the Germans were imprisoned and killed because they were Jewish.Anne Frank was a German Jewish girl whose family was under attack.

The Blackout

The blackout began two days before the war began. During the blackout there was rules, everyone had to cover up their windows at night with black material. The aim of this was to make it difficult for German bombers to find their target in the dark. During the time street lamps were turned off, this lead to traffic accidents because car headlights had to be blacked out.This also lead to people bumping into one another and tragic deaths from drowning as people fell off bridges or walked into ponds.

The Blitz
The Blitz was the sustained strategic bombing of Britain by the Nazis of Germany, this started on 7 September 1940 and ended on 10 May 1941.More than one million London houses were destroyed or damaged ,and more than 40,000 civilians were killed , half of them in London.During the Blitz some families would run down to a communal brick or concrete shelter in their street.others sheltered from the bombs at home in their cellars or underneath a table or the stairs.Families with shelters in their gardens could hide in there.These were usually damp and dark and made from corrugated iron, they were known as Anderson shelters.These stations were not totally safe in January 1941, a bomb fell above Bank underground station killing over 100 people who were sheltering below
This image above shows a bomb shelter in a London underground station.

After the Raids
This image shows the damage done after the bombings.

Being an Evacuee, you were sent off to some strange place and might never see your parents again.Most children were evacuated in school groups with their teachers .children and their teachers met in the school grounds.Many children were sometimes sent to farms and worked,some were afraid of the farm animals and others were surprised to see that apples grew on trees.Also some well off country families were horrified to find that some of the children had head lice and skin disease.Some children stayed in danger areas because their parents refused to have them evacuated.

Men's and Women's Lives
All young men who your regarded fit enough were called up up to join the army, air force or navy.At the beginning it had been between the ages of 20-22 this was then changed to between 18 and 41.Many British men were sent to different places in the world including Africa, Europe and the far east.The British soldiers were gone for so long that even some could not be recognise by family when they came back.
However men who were qualified in jobs like science and engineering did not join the forces as there jobs were too important and could be very useful during wartime.Also some men who were not fit enough volunteered as fire fighters or ARP wardens.
In 1941 women between the age of 19-30 had to register for war work, lots also joined the Womens royal volutary service, jobs given to women were mainly secretaries,drivers cooks and mechanics. In most countries women worked in war factories to make war materials.

2. How did this affect propaganda and design?
During the World War 2 the number of propaganda posters were very high.These posters used alot of design

"I'm Counting On You! Don't Discuss: Troop Movements, Ships Sailings,war Equipment" World War 2 poster.

This was a propaganda poster used during world war 2.
The title I'm Counting On You! felt very personal and designed to make you feel guilty if you do not help.


Be a Marine:"Free a a Marine to Fight" World War 2 poster.(1941-1945).Recruiting poster for female Marine personnel.
This poster is trying to get women involved during the war using persuasive language.

"Wanted! For murder"
U.S. propaganda poster, which warns against civilians sharing information on troop movements.World War 2.This poster was designed to show how careless talk can be dangerous.Its telling you to basically "shut up" and that giving information could cost peoples life's.

I think this poster works really well as it shows clearly the consequences of careless talk.WANTED! FOR MURDER,the usage of this title will psychologically scare the public and will therefore make people very couscous. 
Careless talk propaganda discouraged talking about sensitive material where it could be overheard by spies, showing either an Axis eavesdropper or depicting a death caused by such information leaking. It was also intended to prevent morale sapping rumors from spreading


85 Million Americans Hold War Bonds
85 Million Americans Hold War Bonds, 1945 War Finance Division poster promoting financial support of the war effort.
War Finance Division
Creation Date:

3  What was going on politically?

English: From left to right: Joseph StalinFranklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchillon the portico of the Russian Embassy during the Tehran Conference.
Date- 1943

After Roosevelt's death an editorial by The New York Times declared, "Men will thank God on their knees a hundred years from now that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House"
Roosevelt's death was met with shock and grief across the U.S. and around the world. His declining health had not been known to the general public. Roosevelt had been president for more than 12 years, longer than any other person, and had led the country through some of its greatest crises to the impending defeat of Nazi Germany and to within sight of the defeat of Japan as well.Less than a month after his death, on May 8, came the moment Roosevelt fought for: V-E Day. President Harry Truman, who turned 61 that day, dedicated V-E Day and its celebrations to Roosevelt's memory

Fear of Communism
At the end of WW2,USA and USSR controlled half of Europe each ,both worried about the other.By late 1940s there real concerns about Soviet intentions.

Pearl Harbor

DateDecember 7, 1941
LocationPrimarily Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory, United States
ResultJapanese major tactical victory
  • United States declaration of war on the Empire of Japan
  • Nazi German and fascist Italian declaration of war on the United States.

The day after the attack, Roosevelt delivered his famousInfamy Speech to a Joint Session of Congress, calling for a formal declaration of war on the Empire of Japan. Congress obliged his request less than an hour later.
In Europe, Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy subsequently declared war on the United States on December 11, after they began operations against a fellow Axis member. The United States Congress reciprocated the declaration of war against Germany and against Italy later that same day.

Britain and Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Churchill was a British prime minister and statesman who led the country to victory against Nazi Germany and the Axis powers in World War Two.
                                                                                    The next decade were his 'wilderness years', in 
which his opposition to Indian self-rule and his support for Edward VIII during the 'Abdication Crisis' made him unpopular, while his warnings about the rise of Nazi Germany and the need for British rearmament were ignored. When war broke out in 1939, Churchill became first lord of the Admiralty. In May 1940, Neville Chamberlain resigned as prime minister and Churchill took his place. His refusal to surrender to Nazi Germany inspired the country. He worked tirelessly throughout the war, building strong relations with                   
US President Roosevelt while maintaining a sometimes difficult alliance with the Soviet union.

Photo: Winston Churchill, photographed by Cecil Beaton, at 10 Downing Street, London, in 1940.

During the world war 2 USSR was under communist control lead by president Joseph Stalin, he became the leader of Russia in 1929 and during the war he helped fight against the Germans.

How did art and design reach the intended audience?

Many posters were designed during the second world war such as propaganda posters, these posters were mainly personal sized,aimed to feel as though they were directly targeted to you.

A poster placed on a billboard, two years after  the second world war.By using a billboard it reaches the intended audience as it is very easy to notice due to its size.,cmcjHtbB4vyE
On this day in 1947 the world was still recovering from the affects of World War 2. The austerity plan was in full swing and the argument on Capitol Hill was how much we were going to be giving over for European recovery. Meanwhile, the glacially creeping Cold War got a notch colder with accusations of Imperialism being leveled by the Soviet Union during discussions on the Marshall Plan.

This is another example of art and design reaching its intended audience?

World War II-era billboard at the Oak Ridge Facility (Photo: Life)

What workers were doing in Oak Ridge was so secretive that not even the governor of the state knew it. The city was not on a map and was referred to as the Clinton Engineering Works.